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La ristrutturazione della Kodak

Sul suo sito ufficiale Kodak ha pubblicato una serie di informazioni utili per i suoi clienti (privati ed aziende) in merito alla ristrutturazione dell’azienda dovuta all’ormai famoso Chapter 11.

Questo il link:

Importante notare come si parli di ristrutturazione, riorganizzazione e non di fallimento. Questo nonostante in molti abbiano subito sbandierato la fine di una storica azienda in tema di fotografia analogica, volendo associare questo fallimento al fallimento della fotografia a pellicola.

Noi in quanto appassionati di chimica ed argento seguiremo con interesse la vicenda, per ora pubblichiamo quanto la stessa Kodak ha pubblicato sul suo sito in tema di disponibilità e produzione.

Questo il comunicato in Home Page che spiega la situazione generale:

On January 19, 2012, Eastman Kodak Company and its U.S. subsidiaries filed voluntary petitions for Chapter 11 business reorganization in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York. The business reorganization will enable Kodak to bolster liquidity in the U.S. and abroad, monetize non-strategic intellectual property, fairly resolve legacy liabilities, and enable the Company to focus on its most valuable business lines.

Non-U.S. subsidiaries are not part of the filings, are not subject to the Court proceedings, and are operating as usual.

Kodak and its U.S. subsidiaries intend to continue normal business operations during the reorganization, and throughout the process:

  • Continue customer programs;
  • Provide employees with their usual wages and benefits; and
  • Honor all post-petition obligations to suppliers in the ordinary course.

A U.S. Chapter 11 proceeding is a legal mechanism that generally focuses on the preservation and reorganization of ongoing operating companies. The process will allow Kodak to continue normal business operations while we accomplish our objectives and emerge a profitable and sustainable enterprise.

Kodak aims to build company that will be successful in the marketplace – and a positive force in the communities we call home.

Additional information can be accessed from the links along the left side throughout this site.

E queste una serie di FAQ per i propri clienti privati (ossia per noi):

Information for Consumers

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Kodak continuing to operate during the Chapter 11 proceedings? 
Yes. The Chapter 11 process allows us to continue normal business operations while we reorganize to bolster liquidity in U.S. and abroad, monetize non-strategic intellectual property, fairly resolve our legacy costs, and enable the Company to focus on our most valuable business lines.

Can I continue to purchase products and services from Kodak in the ordinary course?
Absolutely. During this process, our customers can count on us for business as usual. We will maintain and administer customer programs and honor prepetition obligations to customers including all pending orders, warranties, and other customer programs. Kodak will continue to do what it has always done – bring products and services to market that help our customers do more, do it better, and do it faster.

Will pending customer deliveries be completed?
Yes. Since we are continuing to operate our normal business, you should expect to continue as usual to receive deliveries of purchased items.

Are exchanges or refunds for products still being provided?
Yes. Since we are continuing to operate our normal business, you should know that we expect to continue as usual honoring pending orders and purchases, including exchanges and refunds.

Will warranties still be valid? What about rebates and other customer service programs?
Yes. Since we are continuing to operate our normal business, customers should continue to expect that we will fully maintain warranties, rebates, and other customer service programs going forward – both for our commercial customers and for consumers who purchase Kodak products from retailers.

Does the Chapter 11 filing affect the selection of products that Kodak offers? 
No. Offerings to customers will continue as usual. Kodak will continue to do what we have always done—bring products and services to market that help our customers do more, do it better, and do it faster. That will not change.